Research Productivity of Teaching Faculty Members in Nigerian Federal Universities: An Investigative Study
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Okiki, O.C
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Chinese Librarianship: an International Electroni c Journal (2013)
This study assessed the level of research productivity of teaching faculty members in Nigerian federal universities. The findings of the study show that the research productivity of the teaching faculty members in Nigerian federal universities is high in journal publications, technical reports, conference papers, working papers, and occasional papers. The research productivity is higher in Northeast (M=22.53; SD=25.73), and Southwest (M=21.74; SD=87.28), and North Central (M=20.69; SD=31.24) Nigeria. Also, the mean score of information resources availability (M=2.41; SD=0.90) indicates that information resources are readily available to teaching faculty members in Nigerian federal universities. The barriers to research productivity by teaching faculty members in the universities include low Internet bandwidth (M=3.793; SD=1.162) and financial constraint (M=3.543; SD=1.257). Besides, the study has shown the strengths and weaknesses of the teaching faculty members in Nigerian universities in terms of their research output.
Research Productivity , Academic Staff
Olatokunbo C OKIKI. "Research Productivity of Teaching Faculty Members in Nigerian Federal Universities: An Investigative Study" Chinese Librarianship: an International Electroni c Journal Vol. 36 (2013) Available at: