Mycodecolorization of Reactive Red HE7B dye by Achaetomium strumarium and Aspergillus flavus and shelf life determination

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Bankola, P.O.
Adekunle, A.A.
Obidi, O.F.
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Cogent OA
The decolorization of Reactive Red HE7B dye, a sulphonated reactive azo dye, was achieved under static condition with Achaetomium strumarium (KR262716) and Aspergillus flavus (KJ880096). The growth profle of isolated organisms and physicochemical parameters from the dye was ftted into a multiple linear regression model to predict the shelf life. The dye has an estimated shelf life of 36 months. The fungi showed complete decolorization of over 95% within 15 days. While A. flavus achieved maximum decolorization at a neutral pH, maximum decolorization was achieved by A. strumarium at pH of 6. The fungi optimally decolorized the dye at a temperature of 35°C. The UV–Visible and FTIR spectrometric analyses were used to study decolorization. The decrease, shifts and disappearance of peaks in UV and FTIR spectra of treated samples indicated myco-decolorization. The formation of aromatic amine was supported by Fourier Transform Infrared spectrometry (FTIR), which revealed the disappearance of certain peaks, particularly those of the aromatic C–H bending at 600–800 cm−1. In phytotoxicity studies, A. strumarium showed higher detoxifcation efciency on Reactive Red HE7B dye than A. flavus. The results conclusively showed that A. strumarium exhibited greater decolorization efficiency on Reactive Red HE7B dye than A. flavus.
decolorization, shelf life, Reactive Red HE7B dye, Achaetomium strumarium, Aspergillus flavus
Bankole, P. O., Adekunle, A. A., & Obidi, O. F. (2017). Mycodecolorization of Reactive Red HE7B dye by Achaetomium strumarium and Aspergillus flavus and shelf life determination. Cogent Environmental Science, 3(1), 1278646.