Phyto-anatomical characteristics of the West African {Umbrella tree} Musanga cercropioides M.Smithii R. Br. (Moraceae)

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Kadiri, A. B.
Ajayi, G. O.
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Indian Society for Education and Environment
Two complimentary studies of anatomy and phytochemistry used in pharmacognostic drug research have been conducted on Musanga cercropiodes using light microscopy and phytochemical methods. Diagnostic anatomical features of the plant include bulbous trichome bases, and flaky strand-like waxes. Other distinguishing features of the plant are hypostomatic leaf, anomocytic stomata, abaxially restricted simple unicellular and non glandular trichomes as well as crescentiform and hairy petiole. The bioactive compounds which are present in both leaf and bark are alkaloids, flavonoids, tannins, free and bound anthraquinone, saponin and cardiac glycosides but anthocyanosides and cyanogenic glycosides are absent. Musanga cercropioides is a popular plant in folkloric medication in West Africa.
Musanga cercropioides , phytochemistry , anatomy
Kadiri, A. B. and Ajayi, G. O. (2009). Phyto-anatomical characteristics of the West African {Umbrella tree} Musanga cercropioides M.Smithii R. Br. (Moraceae). Indian Journal of Science and Technology 2(7): 1 - 5