Monoculture of freshwater shrimps (Macrobranchium species)

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Ayoola, S. O.
Idowu, A. A.
Lawal-Are, A. O.
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The sole reliance on wild catches of shrimps to meet the increasing demand globally can cause over fishing and destruction of shrimp fishery, pronounced by catch problem and habitat destruction. Freshwater shrimps of the genus Macrobrachium is found in West African waters and is widely distributed in Nigerian waters. These shrimps are more manageable than their marine relative where coastland culture is expensive, and there are usually many legal constraints on the use of coastland. Also construction costs are higher in saltwater and Penaeid shrimp farms sited at the coastland destroying the rich mangrove swamp ecosystem. Freshwater shrimp farms are sited inland and are not associated with the aforementioned problems. The culture of freshwater shrimps, which is well developed in Asian countries and America, is still at the infant stage in Nigeria. One of the factors limiting the development of this industry is lack of technical knowledge. The methods employed for semi intensive monoculture of freshwater shrimps. With the adoption of freshwater shrimp culture presented will make a headway and will lessen the fishing effort on the wild stock, provide employment opportunities, alleviate under nutrition and poverty, enhance rural livelihoods and contribute to foreign exchange earnings, It was recommended that more research and piloting be done on the culture of freshwater shrimps using indigenous species. The economic viability of culturing these shrimps should be investigated and research on hatchery production of their post larvae be intensified.
Staff publications
Semi-intensive , monoculture , freshwater shrimps , Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES
Ayoola, S.O., Idowu, A.A., and Lawal-Are, A.O. (2009). Monoculture of freshwater shrimps (Macrobranchium species).