Overcoming poverty: the case of lift above poverty organization as agent of poverty reduction and educational attainment of poor hoseholds in Lagos State
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Uzoka, N.E.
Edoziem, M.C.
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Poverty is a pervasive phenomenon all over the world. The increasing trend in the level of poverty has become a leading public issue in the recent times. Poverty is currently the world's greatest threat to peace and stability more than terrorism and other highly publicized
struggles. Governments of countries have continued to brainstorm on ways to arrest this situation but solutions have remained generally e~usive. Sach (2009) pointed out that more than eight million people around the world die each year because they are poor to stay alive. The United Nations-Development Project (UNDP) in 2010 estimated that roughly 1.4 billion people were living in extreme poverty, out of which, about 93 % live in three regions, East Asia, South Asia and Su b-Saharan Africa
Staff publications
Poverty , Public issue , Peace , Stability , Terrorism , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Uzoka, N.E. & Edoziem, M.C. (2009). Overcoming poverty: the case of lift above poverty organization as agent of poverty reduction and educational attainment of poor hoseholds in Lagos State, Chapter 43, 678-688.