Private sector participation in the funding of fedreal universities: a case study of University of Lagos

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Uzoka, N.E.
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Journal of the Department of Educational Management & Business Education, Olabisi Onabanjo, University, Ago-Iwoye, Nigeria
This study attempted to explore private sector participation in the funding of Federal Universities with University ofLagos as <1l':.1Se study. The Universities whose main job is turning out the most highly quali fled professionals the country need is however . experiencing serious financial problem which is affecting the products in terms ofquality The impact offinancial constraints and growth of student enroli .ient has been fell both quanu tal ively and qlla1,itatively, They have therefore bee 1 stimulated to look beyond" 0 govemll1ei'lt subventions to run the universities. Two research questions were asked to guid,.=the investigation. The design of the study was descriptive survey. The instrument for (bta collection was questionnaire, which was developed validated and used for the study. Simple percentages was employed [or data analysis. The results ofthe analysis show tll~llinternally generated revenue and contributions from the private sector have been OLI rernendous help to the universities. The study concluded by recommending that uni versifies 111ayintroduce more radical responses to meeting their needs and also inlensi I"yefforts towards generating fund intcrnally'l '111: government should also increase budgetary Cl llocation to the universi ties.
Staff publications
Private sector participation , Funding , Federal universities , Professionals , Financial problem , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Uzoka, N.E. (2006). Private sector participation in the funding of federal universities: a case study of University of Lagos. Educational management international, 1(2), 51-58.