Tri-iodo Thyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in Nigerian females being managed for infertility.
Adegbola, O
Ajayi, G.O.
Omilabu, S
Wellington, J
Adeyemi, R
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Nigerian Society of Endocrinologist and Metabolism
Objective: To evaluate Tri-iodothyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in NigerianFema/es managed for infertility.
Setting: Gynaecological Outpatient Clinic of the Lagos University Teaching Hospital (LUTH)
Subjects: One hundred and thirty five women attending the gynaecological outpatient clinic of LUTH for infertility evaluation for 2hyrs: from February 2001 to July 2003, had their blood T3, T4 and TSH assayed using enzyme immuno-assay test.
Results: The mean age of these women was 33.4+54 years while their mean parity was 2.3+1.3. Also the mean day of cycle the tests were done was 16.6+7.3 day. The mean T3 was 35.96+ 88.34ng/mI and is much higher (over eighteen times more) than the acceptable high limit of normal of 1.85ng/ml. The range ot the T3 values was however wide (0.01 — 370), while 41.5% of these women had higher than normal values The meanT4 was 12.7+ 11.9pg/dI and is slightly raised above the acceptable high limit of normal of 12pWdl correlation between T4 and TSH as well as between T3 and T4.
Conclusion: T3 hyperthyroidism was noted in 41.5% of these women with 31. % of them also showing very low TSH values which may suggest hyperthyroidism. The strong correlation between T3 and TSH implies that 31.1 % to 41.5% of women attending infertility clinic may have thyroid disorders. These values are high enough to recommend that T3, T4 and TSH should be requested routinely as pad of the investigations required in evaluation of infertility.
Staff publications
Tri-iodothyronine (T3) , Thyroxine (T4) , Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) , Infertility , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE::Surgery::Obstetrics and women's diseases::Obstetrics and gynaecology
Adegbola O, Ajayi G.O, Omilabu S, Wellington J, Adeyemi R.Tri-iodo Thyronine (T3), Thyroxine (T4) and Thyroid Stimulating Hormone (TSH) in Nigerian females being managed for infertility. African Journal of Endocrinology and Metabolism 2004:5(1):5-8.