Optimal Under-Frequency Load Curtailment via Continuous Load Control in a Single Area Power System Using Fuzzy Logic, PIDFuzzy and Neuro-Fuzzy (ANFIS) Controllers
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Dinakin, D.D.
Oluseyi, P.O.
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— In situations where maximum load demand exceeds power generation capacity, frequency would drop
during cases of overload; and if appropriate under-frequency load curtailment scheme is not put in place, it could
cause permanent turbine damage or affect the expected working operation of electric equipment. Various existing
works on load curtailment in power systems have been done to great effect using meta-heuristic and classical
control techniques. This paper seeks to comparatively analyze the Fuzzy Logic, Fuzzy-PID and Neuro-Fuzzy
(ANFIS) controllers and their contribution to achieving load curtailment in a Single Area Power System via
continuous load control. The transfer function model of the power system and the design of the controllers are
done using Simulink, MATLAB software. The controllers are designed to output power imbalance based on
frequency deviation during various system overload conditions. They also shed loads continuously until frequency
is restored within the safe operating range. Different cases of system overload are used to analyze the performance
of the controllers. It is found that the Neuro-Fuzzy controller gives the most optimized result.
Classical control, load curtailment, meta-heuristic, under-frequency