Evaluating the Energy and Carbon (IV) Oxide (CO2) Reduction Resulting from Efficient Lighting at the University of Lagos, Nigeria

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Babatunde, O.M.
Akinbulire, T.O.
Oluseyi, P.O.
Emezirinwune, M.U.
Shomefun, T.E.
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Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos, Nigeria
This study evaluated the economic and environmental potentials of improving the energy efficiency of the lighting technology at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. The energy audit report for the Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos before retrofitting shows that all lighting fixtures in the lecture rooms are the 1.2 metre inefficient fluorescent lamps. The cost effectiveness of lighting retrofitting with Compact Fluorescent Lamps (CFL) and Light Emitting Diode tube (LED) lighting technology alternatives for the lighting system at Faculty of Engineering lecture rooms were analysed using economic indices such as life cycle cost analysis, net present cost, simple payback time, and internal rate of return. Relative to the existing system, installation of the two lighting technology alternatives would result in a 40 % and 72 % reduction of consumed energy respectively. With both technology alternatives paying back in less than two years, the LED technology returned a NPV of $35,791.76 (N12.95M) compared to the $15,261.43 (N5.24M) given back by the CLF lighting fixtures. If the alternative lighting technology that conserves the most electricity was installed, carbon dioxide emissions accompanying electricity usage would be reduced by about 72 % and a savings of 3.84 tonnes of oil would be achieved annually. From the study, it was established that the utilisation of energy efficient lighting system will reduce energy consumption; increase bills savings; and indirectly reduce carbon (IV) oxide emission from the fossil fuel used in powering the lamps
Conservation, Efficiency, Electricity, Emission, Tariff
M.O. Babatunde, T.O. Akinbulire, P.O. Oluseyi, M.U. Emezirinwune and T.E. Shomefun; Evaluating the Energy and Carbon (IV) Oxide (CO2) Reduction Resulting from Efficient Lighting at the University of Lagos Nigeria, Journal of Engineering Research, Volume 22 No 2 December 2017, 63-72 (A Publication of Faculty of Engineering, University of Lagos).