Awareness and Utilization of Computer-based Library Services by Final Year Students in the University of Lagos, Library and Information Practitioner

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Zaid, Y.A
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Nigerian Library Association Cross River State Chapter
This paper examined the level of awareness and utilization of computer-based services among final year students of the University of Lagos, Nigeria. The study utilized a cross-sectional survey approach because it was restricted to the 2008-2009 year graduating class. Stratified random sampling technique was used to select 764 from a population of 3,815 final year students from nine faculties at the University of Lagos, Nigeria. The research instrument used was a structured questionnaire. Data collected were analyzed and presented by means of simple descriptive statistics. The findings of the study confirmed that the frequency of utilization of computer-based library services was low. Reasons cited were lack of knowledge about the services, insufficient computer terminals and inadequate infrastructure. The study recommends wider spread of library publications among students, marketing of library products and services,user training and provision of adequate infrastructure to facilitate the utilization of the computer-based services offered by the University Library.
To access the full text of this article, kindly contact the University Librarian- Dr. Olukemi Fadehan via the administrators: Dr. Yetunde Zaid ( or Dr. Christopher Okiki ( of the University of Lagos Library.
Electronic Resources , Computer-based , Library Services
Zaid, Y.A (2011)Awareness and Utilization of Computer-based Library Services by Final Year Students in the University of Lagos, Library and Information Practitioner. A Journal of Nigerian Library Association, Cross River State Chapter. Vol. 4(1 & 2)