The Ebook evolution: formats and design

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Zaid, Y.A
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Elis Associates
What is an eBook? Before one delves into the specifics about electronic publishing, it is important to note exactly what an eBook is and what purpose an eBook serves. Simply put, the term "electronic book" is self-explanatory: an eBook can be a novel, collection of stories and/or poetry, self-help manual. a treatise, or any document of book length. eBooks may be' as short as five thousand words or well over 'a hundred thousand. Some eBooks may have illustrations and charts embedded within the pages, and others may prove to be more interactive and feature audio and/or video capability. Some eBooks are registered with Books in Print and made available as downloadable files Or on CD-ROMs. Some eBook publishers assign ISBN numbers to their titles, while others may register the works with the Copyright Office. Many publishers consider eBook production a subsidiary right in their contracts, and may demand those rights from an author during negotiations. The fundamental difference between an eBook and a print book, of course, is that the eBook is an electronic document devised to be read on a computer or special handheld device.
Scholarly articles
Professional competencies , Library Schools , Ebook evolution , Information professionals , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Other social sciences::Library and information science
Zaid, Y.A. (2012). The Ebook evolution: formats and design. Trends in Library and information science in Nigeria: a Festschrift in honour of Professor Sam E. Ifidon. Edited by Daniel, O.J, Ifidon, E.I & Okegbola, T. 81-106p.