Assessment Of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in Soil Within Some Selected Automobile Workshops in Lagos, South West Nigeria

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Odukoya, A.M
Uruowhe, B.O
Dada, A.
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This study has evaluated the levels of selected Potentially Toxic Elements (PTES) in some mechanic workshops in Lagos Southwest Nigeria. Twenty-five top soil samples were collected and analysed for six PTEs using ICP-MS. The mean values of the PTEs decrease in the order of Zn >Pb> Cu > Ni > As > Cd and the ranges were as follows: Zn (178 - 1273 mglkg); Pb (52.3 - - Smz g); Cu (30.6 - 102 mglkg); Ni (12.5 - 51 mglkg); As (1.73 - 22.3 mg/kg) and Cd (0.45- _. - mglkg). The following indices of pollution and health risks were calculated: the pollution index (PI), pollution load index (PU), potential ecological risk index (PERI), hazard index (HI), on-carcinogenic risk and carcinogenic risk index. All the toxic elements were higher than crus tal a 'erage values except for Ni. Based on PU and PERI, the soil samples can be classified as erately polluted with Ni and highly polluted with Cu, Zn, As, Cd, andPb. The potential logical risk index (PERI) ranged between 171.55 - 1084.88 and indicated moderate to very .gh risk in the study area. The calculated Hazard Index (HI) for only ingestion and dermal ;' + -ays were >1 and posed non carcinogenic health risks to both children and adults. The ~ er risk values for Ni, As and Cd were within the acceptable benchmark of 1 in 10,000 (10-4) 1,000.000 (10-6) therefore posed no carcinogenic health risks in the study area. Some PTEs ~ ysed constituted high non carcinogenic risk in the study area with children athigher risk than . and Co, Pb and As from both the ingestion and dermal pathwaysare the major contributor e health risk.
1st Nigeria National Conference of International Medical Geology Association (IMGA)
Toxic elements , Mechanic workshops , Health risks , Lagos State , Soils , Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES
Odukoya, A.M Uruowhe, B.O Dada, A. (2019). Assessment Of Potentially Toxic Elements (PTEs) in Soil Within Some Selected Automobile Workshops in Lagos, South West Nigeria. 1st Nigeria National Conference of International Medical Geology Association (IMGA). Development Journal of Science and Technology Research (DJOSTER), 8(1), 77-89.