Capacity Building Effort and Brain Drain in Nigerian Universities

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Bello, S.A.
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The advancement of the developed countries since the end of the Second World War has been through an aggressi ve environment development of capacity both human and institutional. Indeed, the globalization phenomenon of the present age could not have been possible without the development and application of knowledge and institutional capacity to sustain it. The examples of other developed counties reveal the critical role that universities, research centres, industries, foundations and government play in the institutionalization of capacity building. Universities in the developed countries demonstrate their social relevance through their contribution to the capacity bui lding. An enabling environment for collaborative capacity building among the community of actors is important and the governments in these countries recognized their important role in this.
Staff publications
Second world war , Globalization , Institutional capacity , Development , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Bello, S.A. (2011). Capacity Building Effort and Brain Drain in Nigerian Universities. Trends and issues in education in Nigeria, 421- 432.