Ikhtilaf on moon sighting among Nigerian Muslims within the framework of Shari'ah

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Adegoke, K.A.
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Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State University, Ojo, Lagos, Nigeria.
There are several challenges facing Muslims in their practice of Islam in the modern period. One of such is that of 'IIkhtilaf (controversies) on some of Islamic doctrines. Thus, this paper aims at examining the challenges of 'lkhtilaf on moon sighting among the Nigerian Muslims and thereafter offering the resolution towards it within the framework of Shari'ah. As introductory discourse, the paper looks at intra-religious 'Ikhtilaf among the earlier generation of Muslims and its impact on their unity and brother-hood. Some technical terms used in the paper are thencontextually defined. The paper goes ahead to give us the account of intra-religious 'Ikhtilaf on moo nsighting among the Nigerian Muslims. Then, it critically looks at the approaches of the Nigerian scholars on the issue of moon sighting. The paper prescribes the harmonization of the approaches of scholars as a resolution to the problem of 'Ikhtilaf among the Nigerian Muslims within the framework of Shari ah. Finally, the paper concludes with the findings of the study and offers recommendation for the unity and brotherhood of Nigerian Muslims.
Staff publications
Muslims , Islam , Modern period , Islamic doctrines , Nigeria , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Religion/Theology::Islamology
Adegoke, K. A (2013). Ikhtilaf on moon sighting among Nigerian Muslims within the framework of Shari'ah" in Jimoh, S. L. (ed.), Contemporary Muslimms' Beliefs and Practices: Between Orthodoxy and sycretism, Al-Hadara , the LASU Journal of Arabic and Islamic Studies, Department of Religions and Peace Studies, Lagos State University, Nigeria, 140-156.