Minutes of the first meeting of the senate held in the office of the Dean of Commerce and Business Administration in the temporary site of the University at Idi-Araba

The Senate received Senate Paper No. 1 containing the composition ani functions of Senate as in Sections 2, 3, and 4 of the University of Lagos Act, 1962. In reply to an enquiry about academic appcdrrtmerrtaj the Chairma~ said that the Provisional Council had delegated authori~ for making appointments to non-professorial posts to the Senate. For the posts of Registrar, Librarian, professors, and heads of academic departments, the po~er to appoint was delegated to a joint committee of the Senate and the Council. For senior administrative posts, the appointing body is a Council Committeeto uhich appropriate Universi~ staff are ,co-opted as necessary.
Minutes of the first meeting of the senate held in the office of the Dean of Commerce and Business Administration in the temporary site of the University at Idi-Araba
Wolf, S.K. (1962). Minutes of the first meeting of the senate held in the office of the Dean of Commerce and Business Administration in the temporary site of the University at Idi-Araba. 5p.