Cost implications and constraints in the financing of inclusive education in Nigeria
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Madumere, S.C.
Uzoka, N.E.
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University of Education, Winneba, Ghana
Abstract: The main [ocus or this study is to illvestigate the cost il1lplicatiOlls 1 :1' ii \1
and cOllstraiJ1ts in thejitl{/Jl~itlg.()fillc!Llsive educrztioll in Nigerian. The study \ \:!I Ill; f.\:
also examined some 0'1J' the ohs/ne/es to s'/Iccessflll implementatioll of the, j I'! \r
scheme. Three rescarcn questions and one hypothesis was formulated to! l'!" I! \1 ~
g/lide the illvestigation. The study adopted a descriptive survey design. The: ; i \::1!.
study pop 1110tion were teachers and prillcipals of a/l the secondary schools.: . I·!:, lil
parents, ministry of education officials and the eight special schools in Lagos' ,Ii !I\\'I
Slate. Stratified random sampling technique \Vas employed 10 gel the twelve , 'i: \t\
(J 2) out of the twenty (20) Local Government Areas ill the state. T,:vo: t
i: \1
iiundred and forty (240) teachers 1WlS randomly selected FOJJl the 12 LGAs. i ", !: il \: I
Tell parents and ten heads or principals of Iile eight special schools was also i'i1il~}1. : I! 1
randoin Iy selected bringing the total nuinber to Ihree lllludred alid forty (340).: "q,.~·'.1. li:: \;
QuestLOnnalre rvas developed, validated, and used for the study. ell/-square I ,4fi,";' I1
was lite statistical technique employed .. One of the. I~zajorjllldings of the study! ;l:i;Jtr; l'·\!
was the urgent need 10 start planning and critica! analyses of the cost: ::,tfl \;Yll
iniplications of tlic iuctnsive'educotion scheme since cost analysis is the main: ! hl~,\.!\I
integrative part of [lie p/anlling process. The study concluded by I': 1 I:
recoll/lI/ending that the govcrnment should start planning for iJ/c!lIsiv~ i!!' ~'I!
cducation by taking the issue of costing se~'iollsly and setting the' ball rolling. l, i' !' !:ll
with adequate planningfor the persol1iJeI re~luire/Jlcntfrzcilitnles and plant. 1 : ~'\'\I
Staff publications
Financing of inclusive education , Nigeria , Secondary schools , Population , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES::Social sciences::Education
Madumere, S.C. and Uzoka, N.E. (2006). Cost implications and constraints in the financing of inclusive education in Nigeria. African Journal of special educational needs, 4(2), 250-258p.