Appraisal of Access to University Education in Nigeria
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Adekile, O.M
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This paper identifies the challenges, significance and consequences of disparities in University education opportunities, investigates the attempts of Nigeria to expand access to university education and offer concrete recommendations for widening access to university education. It focuses on gauging the challenges in matriculating and convoking, the determinants of inequities, and analysis of equity promotion policies so far adopted in Nigeria. Accordingly it calls for examination of the determinants of access, the policy frameworks and codes of practice for widening participation for underrepresented groups in university education in Nigeria drawing analogy from jurisdictions like Ghana and Tanzania, countries which have become attractive to Nigerians in pursuit of higher education. Towards this objective, the work concretizes the significance and objective of university education, the expanded meaning of access to university education, the challenges of access and the modalities for surmounting them.
universities, access, education, nigeria, inequities, determinants
Law and Practice of University Governance in Nigeria O. Oluyide Edn. pp. 305- 334.