Information and Communication Technology Consumption among University Students in Nigeria: The Case of Mobile Phone Usage

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Eshiet I.
Owolabi T.
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Department of Theatre, Film and Carnival Studies, University of Calabar
The study investigated the consumption of Information and Communication Technology among university students in Nigeria, with a focus on the use of mobile phone. Specifically, the study sought to unravel the proportion of income of students used for ICT consumption in terms of cost of phone(s), data/call credit, as well as the daily proportion of time spent on using mobile phone. The study utilised a cross sectional survey to gather quantitative data from a sample size of 300 students drawn using the multi-stage sampling technique, from the undergraduate students’ population of the University of Lagos. The study is underpinned by the Uses and Gratification theory. Findings reveal that undergraduate students own expensive phones, spend a substantial proportion of income on data/call credit and a substantial proportion of waking and sleeping hours on mobile phone usage. The study recommends a cautious use of mobile phone by undergraduate students by consciously keeping tab of the time and money spent on daily/weekly usage.
Eshiet, I. & Owolabi, T. (2018). Information and Communication Technology Consumption among University Students in Nigeria: The Case of Mobile Phone Usage. Journal of Theatre and Media Studies, 3(1): 13-27