Sociology-Scholarly Publications

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    Open Access
    Military in politics and governance
    (University of Lagos Press and Bookshop Ltd., 2021) Eshiet I.
    Nation building in Africa has remained a daunting challenge over the years, and the military institution has been an active part in nation building, although it has no constitutional role to do so. This chapter examines military involvement in politics and governance and its impact on nation building in Africa, using secondary sources. Specifically, the chapter assesses the military professional organization and its constitutional role in the state. It examines the reasons why African armies meddle into politics, a domain that is outside their constitutional role. It also assesses the performance of the military while in governance. Finding reveals a myriad of factors that have made the political terrain attractive to the military, such as civilian misrule. It also shows that years of military rule did not usher in the desired nation building. This led to a clamour for the return to civil rule from the 1990s. Today, the majority of African states operate civil regimes and military takeovers have become unfashionable therefore, raising a fundamental issue ‘if there is a future for military rule in Africa.’ Inferences from present socio-economic and political realities in the continent reveal the imminence of military coups. The chapter therefore concludes that military rule may remain a permanent feature in Africa’s political landscape if civil mis-governance continues as usual. This however, poses a challenge to nation building as military rule is antithetical to nation building.
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    Open Access
    Challenges of parenting as a student
    (John West Publishers, 2006) Eshiet I.
    For most new entrants into the university, the reality of becoming an undergraduate is not only exciting and stimulating but also self-fulfilling. However, becoming a new entrant into the university system could be quite challenging and daunting, as new entrants are often confronted with the challenge of transiting into their new status as 'undergraduate students' with the attendant roles, expectations and performances. This chapter examines the challenges faced by new entrants into the university, with a focus on parenting students, using both primary and secondary data. Finding reveals that parenting students do face a lot of challenges, as they try to navigate the two competing roles of being a student and parent. However, there is a gender differential in the challenges and experiences of male and female parenting students, due to the societal ascribed gender roles for men and women. There are however solutions to these challenges. The chapter therefore, offers practical tips on how to overcome the challenges and become a successful student and parent.
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    Open Access
    Promoting Cultural Tourism through Art Exhibitions: A Case Study of National Gallery Of Art Igbo-Ukwu Southeast Nigeria
    (West African Archaeological Association, 2016) Okoye, O.C.
    Art exhibition entails public display or collection of art objects in a gallery, often times providing opportunity to showcase a people’s cultural heritage, the artists and their works. When art exhibitions are carried out in rural communities by a National Art Gallery, it has the potential of promoting tourism, and encouraging budding artists in the locality. This study examines the extent to which the National Gallery of Art, Igbo-Ukwu, southeast Nigeria, promote tourism in Igbo-Ukwu through art exhibitions, with a view to establishing the impacts of these exhibitions. Data gathering techniques employed are: participant observation, key informant interview focus group discussions and photography. The study discovers that art exhibitions in National Gallery of Art Igbo-Ukwu have contributed to promoting tourism, skill acquisition and income generation to the artists in the community and neighbouring towns. The gallery provides platform for budding artists to exchange ideas with more established artists, and at the same time make young people to see art as a viable profession. The study recommends that the exhibitions should be publicized more to increase wider participation of artists and tourists
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    Open Access
    Child Rearing and Modernity among the Igbo of Southeast, Nigeria
    (KCA University, 2022) Okoye, O.C.
    Child rearing which involves nurturing and training a child from childhood to adulthood is pivotal among the Igbo people of southeast Nigeria because children ensure their continuity. Modernity and the resultant technological innovations have immensely affected child rearing. Using qualitative method, this study seeks to examine the concept of child rearing among the Igbo people of southeast Nigeria, the extent it has been affected by modernity and make recommendation on best child-rearing method to adopt. Modernization theory is used as an explanatory framework for this study. It was established that child rearing entails feeding, nurturing, teaching and correcting children to become responsible adults. Child rearing was a communal affair in the traditional Igbo societies. Modernity resulted in most parents living in nuclear families and became solely responsible for child rearing. Socialization with people from other cultures and the modern means of communication have affected children’s behavior and the child-rearing style adopted by parents. The study, therefore, recommends that parents should consider the personality of their children and their environment before copying child-rearing style from other cultures
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    Open Access
    The Impact of Religious Tourism: A Case Study of Cistercian Monastery in Awhum, Southeastern Nigeria
    (Common Ground Research Networks, 2016) Okoye, O.C.
    This paper examines the impact of religious tourism using Cistercian Monastery in Awhum as a case study. The study employed qualitative research methods such as participant observation, key informant interview, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion for data collection. It was discovered that tourists’ visit to Cistercian Monastery has positive and negative impacts. The positive impacts include the provision of employment opportunities, income generation, development facilitation, and an improvement in the standard of living for members of the host community as well as spiritual benefits such as creating the opportunity and a conducive environment for tourists to establish better relationships with the Supreme Being. In addition, pilgrimage to Awhum Monastery popularizes the host community and enables religious tourists to visit other ecotourism sites within the monastery complex. The negative impacts are increased noise, crime rates, and cultic activities as well as hostility between the religious community and the host community. The author recommends sensitizing the host community to the dangers of clashes with the religious community and upgrading security.