Inter-religious Dialogue: A Veritable Tool for the Management of Religious Intolerance in Nigeria

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Abdul-Raheem, B.
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Faculty of Arts and Islamic Studies, Usmanu Danfodiyo University, Sokoto
It is a known fact that Islam and Christianity are the two religions with the largest adherents in the world. The peculiarity of igerian society is that it accommodates appreciable numbers of Muslims and Christians. This peculiarity makes Nigeria susceptible to the so-called religious acrimony due to the exi tence of religious intolerance. Doctrinal differences are regarded a a fundamental factor responsible for religiou intolerance and thi creates enmity and suspicion between Muslims and Christians. Religious intolerance is taking its toll on the nature of religion because rather than eeing religion as an agent of peace and unity, religion is rather seen as an agent of crisis and disunity. The purpose of this study, therefore, is to examine how inter- religious dialogue can mitigate the effect of religiou intolerance between Muslims and Christians. The study reveals that the religious intolerance existing between Muslims and Christian is normal due to certain causes and these causes are fundamental and cannot be ignored. In this case, this religious intolerance must be managed for the ake of peaceful co-existence. Furthermore, there are agent whose roles can make or mar the management of religious intolerance. The study concludes that incerity of purpose and mutual and genuine trust is critical to efficient inter-religious dialogue.
Scholarly article
Abdul-Raheem, B. (2021). Inter-religious Dialogue: A Veritable Tool for the Management of Religious Intolerance in Nigeria. DEGEL: The Journal of the Facility a/Arts and Islamic Studies, 19(2), 19-34.