Exploring the Criticality of Thinking, Literacy and Pedagogy in Language and Literature Instruction

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Adeosun, A.O
Shanu, M.B
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Academic Publishing Centre, University of Lagos.
Critical consciousness is an essential skill in the present dispensation as basic literacy (reading and writing) without critical inclination is inadequate for survival and sustainability. Criticality in literacy affords the individual the benefit of social transformation and objectivity in meaning-making. The relevance of this concept to 21st -Century existence and sustainability is what informed this study which seeks to examine the criticality of thinking, literacy and pedagogy in language and literature instruction. Five objectives were highlighted, and relevant literature was sought to corroborate the claims and thoughts being expressed in the study. It was gathered that the goal of criticality is to learn a way to think more deeply, solve problems, communicate better, collaborate and innovate more effectively in personal and professional lives. More importantly, language and literature classrooms are vibrant avenues for critical explorations because both disciplines, by nature and instructional processes, enable the activation of varied perspectives while offering opportunities for autonomy, creativity, reflection and transformation in the learning process. The study recommended that supplementary readers, teacher-directed discussion and incorporation of multiple texts should be used to develop criticality in the language and literature classrooms.
Scholarly article
Adeosun, A. O & Shanu, B. M. (2022). Exploring the Criticality of Thinking, Literacy and Pedagogy in Language and Literature Instruction. In Adeosun, A.O., Olojede, K., Okudo, A.R. & Ezeudegbunam, E.D. (Eds.). Education for Multidimensional Skills and Literacies: Developments and Directions. A Book of Readings for the Faculty of Education, University of Lagos. Academic Publishing Centre, University of Lagos (ISBN 978-978-58924-5-2)