Schematic method for effective identification of anaerobes from infected surgical wounds
Niemogha, M.T.
Atoyebi, O.A.
Ogunsola, F.T.
Adeogo, B.O.
Egbuna, K.N.
Gbajabiamila, T.A.
Odugbemi, T.
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Objectiye: To investigate post surgical wound Infections for anaer.obes and to develop effective method
for their rapid identification. ·
Method: Fifty seven (57) samples were collected In cooked meat broth, they consisted of 40 wound
swabs, 7 pus, 6 vaginal and 4 rectal swabs. They were Inoculated Into two compounded media;
Neomycin Blood Agar (NBA) and Neomycin Plasma Agar (NPA) Incubated anaerobically at 37°C for
(24-48) hours. Isolated anaerobes were gram-stained and tested using discs Impregnated with
antibiotics, bile salts and dyes, carbohydrate fermentation and other standard tests were carried out.
Results: Abdominal surgery had the highest anaerobes (44%), Musculoskeletal (25%), Splenectomy
and related procedures "(5%). Severe outcomes associated with anaerobes were amputation of limbs
and death. Anaerobes were classified Into frag/1/s group, blle resistant, bile sensitive and Fusobacter/um
group. Further tests revealed Bacteroides fragllls, Fusobacter/um nucleatfum, Porphyromonas
assacharofytica, Prevotef/a intermedia, and Peptosterptococcus magnus as most frequently Isolated,
The developed scheme Interlinked the various Identification steps: 1'1 level; Inoculation and growth,
2"" level; Gram .differentiation and 3"' level; Biochemical characterization.
Conclusion: The study has shown anaerobic cultures as essential In the management of patients with
post surgical would Infections. The scheme serves as a guide of Idealized representation to
identification of anaerobes.
Anaerobes , Culture , Compounded media , Schematic , Surgical wounds
Niemogha M.T, Atoyebi, O.A, Ogunsola, FT, Adeogo, B.O, Egbuna, K.N, Gbajabiamila, T.A. and Odugbemi, T. (2009). Schematic Method for effective identification of anaerobes from infected surgical wounds. Nigerian journal of Health an Biomedical Sciences 8: 15-23.