Azikiwe on Neo Welfarism: An Analysis of Contemporary Problems of Socio-Political Development and Integration.

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Agbafor, I.
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University of Lagos
This study is aimed at analysing Azikiwe's perception of contemporary problems and to appraise the extent to which his Neo-Welfarist ideology provides solutions to them. The thesis of this dissertation is that Azikiwe's Neo-Welfarist ideology is not a totally and unquestionably reliable guide to economic development and political integration, even though the eclectic-pragmatic method which it suggests is attractive. The study reveals that the Neo-Welfarist ideology is not precise enough in its purported assimilation of the good elements in the different ideologies and economic doctrines. Azikiwe's perception of contemporary economic and political problems is examined. He suggests that imperialism whether or in anachronistic form of direct colonization or in the modern/indirect form called neo-colonialism, is the root-cause of the socio-political problems besetting the world today, particularly the erstwhile colonial societies. These problems militate against the pursuit and realization of the greatest happiness by a larger section of humanity. Azikiwe contrasts the poverty of the estwhile colonial societies with the affluence of the technologically-advanced (imperialist) nations of the world and maintains that both the poor and rich nations suffer from alienation. This alienation is in the form of separation (in contrast with alienation by surrender) along economic and ideological lines which all concerned need to supersede in order to build the desirable abundant and humane world society. Azikiwe maintains that to usher in wide-spread economic development, the avarious nations of the world need a new attitude to tolerance understanding of one another. He suggests that, given the adherence to different ideologies and economic doctrines, there is need for dialogue on ideologies with a view to harmonizing them by sifting and integrating their good aspects and making them work for the benefits of man. Azikiwe presents Neo-Welfarism as the outcome of his harmonization of the good elements of the different ideologies and economic doctrines on the principle of eclectic-pragmatism. In his view, the Neo-welfarist ideology is not only the panacea to the much-needed suitable ideology for the economic development of post-colonial societies, it is more adequate than either liberalism of communism. Thus, Azikiwe maintains that Neo-Welfarism should be adopted by all nations of the world as most suitable for tackling contemporary challenges of economic development and political integration.
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Contemporary , Socio-Political , Development , Integration
Agbafor, I. (1989) Azikiwe on Neo Welfarism: An Analysis of Contemporary Problems of Socio-Political Development and Integration. University of Lagos School of Postgraduate Studies Phd Thesis and Dissertation Abstracts. 423pp