Local Government, Laws, Estate Management and Development: The Lagos Experience
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Nubi, T.G.
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Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners. Falomo-Lagos.
Local Government in Nigeria today, under the Federal system, is the third tier of government and therefore represents part of the framework of administrative authorities. As organs of government that had experienced a lot of setbacks in the past, they are saturated with problems among which are the management of their physical environmental. This has resulted into environmental degradation, urban sprawl, water and transportation and other social problems. This paper examines the management of Local Government within the context of prevailing laws of Nigeria. Existing laws were reviewed, and physical environmental data were collected from survey of selected local government areas in Lagos State. The paper shows that Local Government, management, culture and weak economic base caused by prolong state dominance, poor administration and staffing structure. The paper recommends among other things the need for total re-engineering and empowerment of Local Government to ensure efficient utilization of their resources.
Scholarly article
Local Government , Estate Management , Development , Research Subject Categories::SOCIAL SCIENCES
Nubi, T.G. (2002). Local Government, Laws, Estate Management and Development: The Lagos Experience. Journal of the Nigerian Institute of Town Planners. Falomo-Lagos.