Conception on maleness within conjugal and sexual contexts and involvement in family planning /household tasks among males in delta state

Evidence indicates that there is a low level of use of modern family planning methods among men in Nigeria. As a result, many women continue to bear children even after having their desired family size; hence, the persistent high rate of fertility and maternal and child mortality in the country. This study is an attempt to investigate the role of conception on masculinity among men, and how it affects their involvement in family planning and household tasks in Delta State. It aimed to see whether how men view their position as husbands, their number of sexual partners and how they interpret sexuality influence their attitudes towards involvement in family planning and household’s tasks. Results indicate that men’s view of their position in marriage affects their involvement in family planning with p<0.001at an alpha level of 0.05. Logistics regression model reveals that men’s level of education is a predictor to males’ involvement in household tasks. In other words, the higher the education among men, the less likely they will involve in household tasks. On the basis of the findings, it was recommended that the nation’s educational curricular be reviewed to include teachings that will encourage men to participate in household tasks.
Patriarchy , Family planning
Eborka, K., Oyefara, J. L., & Oyekanmi, F. A. (2017). Conception on maleness within conjugal and sexual contexts and involvement in family planning/household tasks among males in Delta State. IFE PsychologIA: An International Journal, 25(2), 280-293.