Morphologic Evaluation of Anemia – I

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Adewoyin, S.A
Ogbenna, A.A
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Biology and Medicine
Anaemia is a feature of many tropical diseases. Anaemia diagnosis therefore remains a crucial intervention among physicians in developing countries. A barrage of laboratory test (anaemic work-up) is usually deployed in differentiating its underlying cause. However, central to anaemia evaluation is the morphology of the red cells and other cell lines. Conventionally, initial laboratory tests include full blood count, reticulocyte count and peripheral blood film (PBF). PBF is often a clinical request, performed by skilled technologist and reported by haematologist/ haematomorphologist. Findings from PBF are reviewed and reported in the light of patient’s clinical history and examination findings. This article therefore aims to promote PBF evaluation in anaemic patients, facilitate laboratory communication of morphologic findings among clinicians, particularly in developing nations where advanced investigations such as flow cytometry and molecular diagnosis may not be readily available, invariably improving patient care and treatment outcomes.
Scholarly article
Anaemia , Diagnosis , Full blood count , Reticulocyte count , Peripheral blood film (PBF) , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
Adewoyin, S.A. and Ogbenna, A.A. (2016). Morphologic Evaluation of Anemia – I. Biology and Medicine, 8(6).