Enhancing societal values through Isalmic ethics: The Nigerian Experience

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Adedeji, L.L.
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The paper observed that religion has been misunderstood by many people, particularly in Nigeria, where it is criticised as the cog in the wheel of development. The long existence of Islamic ethical principles notwithstanding, Islamic morality and ethics are yet to enhance the social values and development in Nigeria. The ability to make ethical decisions by the citizenry remains shallow as a result of selfishness and lack of consideration for the common good. The paper notes that cases of corruption, insurgency, kidnapping, armed robbery, financial crimes and other crises that pervade the country are moral issues which Islam envisaged, and has put internal mechanisms in place to resolve them before they rear their ugly heads. Islamic ethics which refers to set standards for determining the rightness or wrongness of an action seem to be receiving insignificant recognition. Yet, they are ingredients of sound moral values needed for any society to thrive. This paper aims at presenting Islamic morality as an important system for enhancing societal values. It recommends adopting the opportunities provided by religion to halt social degeneration by inculcating Islamic morality and ensure a stable society.
Scholarly article
Adedeji, L.L. (2020). Enhancing societal values through Isalmic ethics: The Nigerian Experience. Oguaa Journal of Religion and Human Values, 6(1), 1-14.