General Introduction Biblical Studies and Socio-Political Issues in the Nigerian Context: A Panoramic View

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Falako, F. O.
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Concept Publications, Lagos.
The continued survival of the Church is premised on two factors: the heavenly and the human considerations. As the Body of Christ and the Extension of the Incarnation, the Church is being sustained, guided and kept by our LORD and Saviour – Jesus Christ. This is an uncontroversial fact! Nevertheless, the human factor points to the role of individuals. Many Bible passages confirm the fact that Christians have responsibilities in keeping the fire of the Gospel burning and relevant in this turbulent generation. Our world is changing indeed! Unfortunately, the direction of the change is not Christ-ward. While frantic efforts are being made towards relevance, some are of the opinion that not all the sounds and steps are Biblical. Some attempts have just been counter-productive! How then do we in Nigeria make the Eternal Logos a Living Reality in every circumstance and situation? The endeavour to provide a holistic, robust and Biblical answer to these and other questions led to selecting the topic: Biblical Studies and Socio-Political Issues in the Nigerian Context in honour of a distinguished Nigerian, Academic, and Prelate.
Scholarly article
General Introduction: Biblical Studies and Socio-Political Issues in the Nigerian Context: A Panoramic View.” In Falako, F. O; Olademo, O; Oladunjoye, O. & Dairo, A. (Eds.) {2017}. Biblical Studies and Socio-Political Issues in the Nigerian Context: A Festschrift for the Rt. Revd Dr. James Adedayo Oladunjoye. Lagos: Concept Publications. Pp. 35-56.