Harnessing the Potentials of the Informal Sector for National Development through non-formal education

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Aitokhuehi, O.O.
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Department of Adult Education and Community Service
The poverty level in Nigeria has been compounded by COVID-19 PANDEMIC. There is a need to find means of improving the economy of the country. One way of doing this is to improve the informal sector of the economy. This is because the majority of Nigerians are in the informal sector. In addition, the informal sector has tremendous untapped potential that can propel the economy into the path of recovery. The study adopted a qualitative research design. Three research questions guided this study. The population include all the Zobo drink sellers in Lagos and Ogun State. The purposive sampling technique was used to select 43 respondents involved in preparing a natural drink (Hibiscus sabdariffa drink, popularly called Zobo drink) that met the study criteria. An in-depth interview was used for data collection. Thematic content analysis was used to analyse the data collected. The findings showed that, even though income generated from the sale of Zobo helped the families financially, the generated income was too small to meet their expectations. Suggestions were made on how the product can be improved in quality, packaging and marketing. Recommendations include granting access to loans for the small-scale traders, which will boost their production capacity and product quality and ultimately enhance sales; Training programmes by the Government and Non-Governmental Organisations (NGOs) to develop this sector of the economy.
Scholarly article
Aitokhuehi, O. O. (2021). Harnessing the Potentials of the Informal Sector for National Development through non-formal education. Journal of Adult and Community Services (JAECS) 2 (3), Bayero University, Kano. Special Edition in Collaboration with Istittut For Pedagogik, Julius Maximillans, Wurzburg, Germany, With support from DAAD, German Academic Exchange Service.