Religion as an Institution that Combats Corruption in the Development of Nigeria: A Christian Perspective

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Falako, F. O.
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Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos
The paper investigates the nexus between religion and politics majoring on the role of religion in combating the menace of corruption in Nigeria. Writing specifically from a Christian perspective, the author notes the paradoxical fact that Nigeria ranks high in both religiosity and corruption indexes. Built on the functional theory of religion, the paper underlines the impression of religion on the individual in particular and on the society in general. The import of this theory is that religion influences attitude and behaviour. Adopting a bibliographical and historical approach, the writer regrets that the tenets of the Christian religion have not been adequately appropriated in the struggle. Therefore, the author recommends that religious people should back up their faith claims with corresponding praxis of morality and accountability; the church should be free from persons of doubtful characters; enforce disciplinary measures against erring members and support every government efforts in the fight.
Scholarly article
Falako, F. O. (2021). ‘Religion as an Institution that Combats Corruption in the Development of Nigeria: A Christian Perspective.’ JRCI: Journal of Religions and Contemporary Issues. A publication of the Department of Religious Studies, Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos. Vol. 1, 200-217.