Oral Administration of Sertraline and Clozapine Affects Memory, Liver Enzymes and Function in Rats

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Ebuehi, O.A.T.
Odiba, A.
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International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences
The effects of clozapine and sertraline on memory, blood chemistry and liver function were studied. Thirty male Sprague -Dawley rats were put into three groups and orally administered daily 0.5 mg/kg of clozapine or sertraline and saline, which served as control. The rats were sacrificed by decapitation on the 14, 28 and 35 days. The blood was collected, liver and brain were excised and subjected to blood chemistry, liver function tests, brain acetylcholinesterase, superoxide dismutase ( SOD) activities and reduced glutathione( GSH) level were determined. The time spent by rats administered the respective drugs in the light compartment before entering dark compartment of the shuttle box was measured. The blood chemistry and liver function show significant increase in activities of ALP, AST and ALT between clozapine administered group and control. There was no significant difference in levels of albumin, total protein, creatinine, urea, cholesterol and tri acyl glycerol, in rats administered clozapine and sertraline when compared with control. There was significant difference in the activities of SOD and GSHin rats administered clozapine, sertraline and control. Data of the study suggest that clozapine resulted in the improvement of short and long –term memory, while sertraline improved long –term memory only in rats. The elevated activities of liver enzymes, AST and AST indicate impairment of liver function in rats orally administered clozapine and sertraline in rats.
Scholarly article
Ebuehi, O.A.T, Odiba, A (2013). Oral Administration of Sertraline and Clozapine Affects Memory, Liver Enzymes and Function in Rats. International Journal of Brain and Cognitive Sciences , 2(3) : 39-44.