The Challenge of Area Boys’ Menace in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria: The Role of the State

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Eshiet I.
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Department of Sociology, University of Lagos
The emergence of social miscreants, generally referred to as ‘area boys’ on the streets of Lagos metropolis in recent times is a problem worth investigating. This study therefore examined the ‘area boys’ phenomenon in the Lagos Metropolis of Lagos State, Nigeria, using both secondary and primary data sources. Key informant and in-depth interviews were used to gather qualitative data. The study situates its analysis within the theory of the political state, demonstrating how the contradictions generated by the Nigerian state has influenced the increasing magnitude of this problem in recent times. Measures adopted by subsequent administrations in Lagos state to address the problem are assessed and finding reveals that these measures have been merely palliatives, and so have not effectively address the root cause of the problem. The study concludes that until there is a transformation of the Nigerian state, the area boys’ phenomenon will continue to persist and perhaps increase in magnitude. It therefore, recommends that the Nigerian state should become more sensitive to the welfare of its citizenry. It should formulate and implement policies aimed at the popular empowerment of its citizenry.
Eshiet, I. (2010). The Challenge of Area Boys’ Menace in Lagos Metropolis, Nigeria: The Role of the State. in F.A.D. Oyekanmi, O. Bammeke & F. A. Badru (eds) Globalization and Social Pathologies: Rethinking the State of Social Welfare in Nigeria. Lagos: Department of Sociology, University of Lagos. Pp 56 – 70