Human resource training for productivity in West Africa exploration and production company limited Lagos, Nigeria: A tool for sustainable community development.

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Ojeomogha, T. O.
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The study on human resource training for productivity taken different faces of attention amidst various scholar and professionals in recent past, but this study examined the effectiveness of human resource training for productivity on sustainable community development. Three research questions and three null research hypotheses were posited to guide the study. This study adopted a correlational research design. The population of the study comprised all the 55 staff of West Africa Exploration and Production Company Limited, Lagos (WEPCL). The instrument that was used for the data collection was a self-designed questionnaire entitled: “Human Resource training for Productivity Questionnaire”. The data collected were analyzed using chi-square (x2) while Pearson-Product Correlation statistical tool were used to analyze the Hypotheses at 0.05 level of significance. The findings of the study revealed, that there was significant relationship between human resources training and development for productivity sustainable community development. Based on the findings, it was recommended among others, that organizations and communities should partner with the Department of Adult for the training and development of their staff. Also, organization should ensure that workforces are well trained to improve productivity that will lead to sustainable community development.
Scholarly article
Ojeomogha, T. O. (2022). Human resource training for productivity in West Africa exploration and production company limited Lagos, Nigeria: A tool for sustainable community development. Nigeria Online Journal of Educational Sciences and Technology 4(2):243-251.