A ten year retrospective study of mycological infections at a tertiary hospital in lagos, nigeria
Oladele, R.O.
Ogunsola, F.T.
Balogun, M.
Oduyebo, O.O.
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Background: Mycoses have increased in importance
largely due to medical progress and the increase in the
population at risk. The HIV epidemic is one of the major
factors that has contributed to the dramatic increase in the
prevalence ofinvasive fungal infections.
Objectives: To identify the types of fungi isolated,
determine the pattern of requests to the laboratory and
possible barriers to mycology diagnosis.
Methods: This is a retrospective study. Data of all samples
sent to the mycology laboratory from 2000-2010 were
retrieved manually from the laboratory registers and
entered into Microsoft excel spreadsheet. A total of 403
single samples were sent, no patient had multiple samples.
Results: 207 of the samples were culture positive. The
patients age range was from 5 weeks to 78 years, majority
(86.1 %) of them were out-patients and most (79.4%) of the
samples taken from them were skin scrapings. The isolated
organisms were Dermatophytes (43%), Candida spp
(41.5%), Malassezia furfur (7.7%) and Aspergi/lus spp
(5.3%). Higher proportion of the in-patients had Candida
spp (66.7%) and Aspergil/us spp (14.8%) • while more of
the out-patients had dermatophytes isolated (42.3%).
There was a progressive increase in number of isolates
from 2001-2005. The most commonly isolated organisms
were derrnatophytes; commonly T.mentagrophyte (31.4%)
and Candida spp (41.5%); commonly C.albicans
(27.1 %).There were no samples from critically ill patients or
from patients normally considered at risk of invasive fungal
Conclusion: Superficial mycosis was the major diagnosis.
There is an urgenfneed to drive the awareness of invasive
fungal infections in our environment and introduction of
serological and molecular diagnostic techniques.
Mycoses , Lagos , Retrospective· study , Derrnatophytes , Candida spp
Oladele, R.O, Ogunsola, F.T, Balogun, M. and Oduyebo, O.O. (2013). A ten year retrospective study of mycological infections at a tertiary hospital in Lagos, Nigeria. Nigerian Quarterly Journal of Hospital Medicine, :33;175-181.