An assessment of existing common traditional methods of water purification

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Idika, N.
Odugbemi, T.
Ogunsola, F.T.
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Classicaf water purification rnathods include boiling, filfration, irradiation and tho use of chemicals while traditional water p1,rification methods in HSO are boiling, filtration, seuimentetion, long strorago and solar radiation. Waterborne diseases are m ore co,n,11011 i11 the rural communities where pot.i!:>le wetor supply covurage Is usually low. Thorefore, this study was designed to assess and n1odify oxisting water p11rif 1r.atio11 rnetltods in use In the rural communities so as to encourage their regular use. Water samples collected from various sources serving six rural communities in Agege, Epe and lkorodt1 Local Government areas of Lagos Staie were purified using each ofthc traditional ,nethods. Viab/o counts were carried out on each of the water san)plcs before .111d after the purification process. Water sa,nples contnmuuuion with known pathogens were also inctuaeo in the test. The boiling method was the efficient givin9 100% cfecontarnination after three minutes of continuous boiling. The solar method gave varying degrees of decontanvuuuicn of the water sa,nples (42-100%) depending on the tt,rbidity of tile wator and the type of contetner used for the test. Tne long storage ,nethod an,d the cloth fi.ltration methods decontaminated the wator by (0.6-4.2%) and 41% respectively. The solar water purification method -,,ou/d be encouraged. Turbid water satnples should be cloth filtered prior to exposure to the sun for maxirnum efficiency.
Staff publications
Water purification methods
Idika, N., Odugbemi T. and Ogunsola F.T. (2002). An assessment of existing common traditional methods of water purification. African journal of clinical and experimental microbiology, 3: 41-44.