Anticlastogenic Properties of Methanolic Extract of Cnestis ferruginea Leaves

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Badmus, J. A.
Odunola, O. A.
Ola-Davies, O. E.
Adisa, R. A.
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Faculty of Applied Sciences, LAUTECH
The inhibitory activity of methanolic extract of Cnestis ferruginea was investigated in bone marrow cells of mice using micronucleus assay. The mice were fed with the extracts of two different concentrations (100 and 200mg/kg body weight) while control mice were fed with corn oil for six days ad libitum. On the seventh day the mice were administered a single dose of sodium arsenite (2.5mg/kg) and sacrificed after 24hrs. Bone marrow smear were prepared for observation of clastogenic effect. Results show micronuclei formation in the polychromatic erythrocyte (PCEs) in the Sodium arsenite treated mice. Clastogenecity induced by sodium arsenite was significantly reduced in mice pretreated with the extract at 100mg/kg body weight while more significant reduction was noted at 200mg/kg body weight. The result indicates a dose dependent relationship of the inhibitory activity of the extract against sodium arsenite induced clastogenecity.
Staff publications
Research Subject Categories::NATURAL SCIENCES::Chemistry::Biochemistry , Cnestis ferruginea , micronucleus assay , sodium arsenic , clastogenic
Badmus, J. A. Odunola, O. A. Ola-Davies, O. E. Adisa, R. A. (2006). Anticlastogenic Properties of Methanolic Extract of Cnestis ferruginea Leaves Vol. 11(2) pp. 121-124.