Ethic Integration and Social Harmony In Nigeria: The Igbo Literary Artist as a Nationalist

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Ikwubuzo, I.
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The Humanistic Management of Pluralism: A Formula For Development in Nigeria. A Publication of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos.
Any keen observer of the unfolding social, economic and political realities in Nigeria in recent times would concur that the increasing clamor for ethnic self-determination and its attendant pluralism of militia groups pose a great challenge to the stability of Nigeria as apolitical entity . One would further agree that it is a development that portends fear about the collective security of the nation. The problem of ethnicity is generated by cultural pluralism (okita, 1997). We have different cultures in Nigeria; members of the same culture tend to identify more with one another than with members of other cultures One dangerous effect of the growing ethnic consciousness in Nigeria is that it enkindles ethnic disharmony which could in turn engender ethnic disintegration.
Scholarly articles
Political realities , Ethnic Self-determination , Cultural pluralism , Cultures , Nigeria , Research Subject Categories::HUMANITIES and RELIGION::Languages and linguistics
Iwu, I. (2001). Ethic Integration and Social Harmony In Nigeria: The Igbo Literary Artist as a Nationalist. The Humanistic Management of Pluralism: A Formula For Development in Nigeria. A Publication of the Faculty of Arts, University of Lagos.