Suppression of phagocytic oxidative burst, cytotoxic effect, and computational prediction of oral toxicity of dietary fatty acids of Clerodendrum volubile stem

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Erukainure, O.L
Zaruwa, M.Z
Mesaik, A.M
Muhammad, A
Adoga, A.O
Ogunyemi, I.O
Ebuehi, O.A.T.
Elemo, G.N
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Comparative Clinical Pathology
Oil and fatty acids from the flowers and stems of Clerodendrum volubile were investigated for their antioxida tive burst activities. The oils were methylated to obtain fatty acid methyl esters (FAMEs). The oils and fatty acids were then subjected to GC-MS analysis to identify the compounds present. Their inhibitory potentials on oxidative burst were investigated on blood phagocytes using the luminol amplified chemiluminescence technique after activation with serum opsonized zymosan. Succinate derivatives were ob served to be the most predominant compounds. C. volubile stem fatty acids showed potent inhibitory activity (IC50 = 18.52 ± 0.12) on blood ROS production. No cytotoxic effect was observed on treatment of CC-1 normal cell lines with the fatty acids. Oral toxicity prediction of the identified fatty acids of C. volubile stem via ProTox revealed their safety on swallowing. These results suggest the antioxidative burst activity of fatty acids from C. volubile stem, indicating a phagocytic action which may be attributed to the synergetic effect of the identified fatty acids.
Scholarly Article
Erukainure, OL, Zaruwa, MZ, Mesaik, AM, Muhammad, A, Adoga, JO, Ogunyemi,IO, Ebuehi, O.A.T, Elemo, GN(2017). Suppression of phagocytic oxidative burst, cytotoxic effect, and computational prediction of oral toxicity of dietary fatty acids of Clerodendrum volubile stem. Comparative Clinical Pathology, 26(3):663-671.