European Languages-Conference Papers

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    Open Access
    Reminiscence of a leader and teacher of french: the place of french in Nigerian Education System
    (ELIS-UNILAG, 2023-06-01) Timothy Asobele, S.J.
    I attended Kabba Provincial Secondary School Okene, Kogi State 1963-1967 and Federal Government College Sokoto 1968-1969. I went to college during the administration of Late Sir Ahmadu Bello, the Sardauna of Sokoto and Premier of Northern Nigeria (1954-1966). Sir Ahrnadu Bello's major policy was tagged WAI (War Against Ignorance) and he had as allies to prosecute this policy: Alhaj i Commassie, Yahaya Gusau etc. realizing the fact that "Development is about people" and cock sure that Education is the beacon of development he established WAI in order to fight ignorance among the citizens of all the 13 provinces that made up Northern Nigeria. I was a beneficiary of WAI at BIK Native Authority that granted me right to education in Kabba and later at Kabba Provincial Secondary School Okene, in the then Kabba province with Headquarters in Lokoja. It was at Kabba Provincial Secondary School I imbibed the following virtues which stucked to me in my adult life. The character traits of a PSS pupil in the 1960s included the four D. Discipline, Devotion,
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    Open Access
    The politics of Knowledge: the debate on the place of books
    (2010-11-29) Timothy Asobele, S.J.
    It I my honour to deliver this speech or keynote address during the First I( Kabba Book Fair, this morning, Friday 19" December of the year of Our Lord 2003. Books we know link man to man, nation to nation and people to people. The man with book knowledge has access to good health without which there Is no talk of prosperity. This is because ignorance is a disease and we need to wage a war sans merci against ignorance (WAI). Book knowledge gives access to power, that is to say, education accords us power, prestige, honour and glory. It is that glory of Kabba city that my complete works epitomize (that is the microcosm of the macrocosm we) that makes us to invite you to this First Kabba Book Falrthis morning. Our slogan for this book Fair as you already know from our widely distributed handbill is: Book Power, Book Knowledge, Book Prestige, Book Honour, Book Glory for Kabba Youths. A book per Kabba City Family for the knowledge of who we are. The last sentence is to be Interpreted to mean: Please go away with some purchased calabashes of the Wisdom of our forefathers as documented by me in my more than one hundred works, of which only forty have been published to date.
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    Open Access
    Iba/Ijuba in Scholarship in Lagos Studies: The Place of Intellectual Property and Copyright
    (2022) Timothy Asobele, S.J.
    Iba/Ijuba in Scholarship in Lagos Studies: Time to give back to the peoples of Lagos State; Lagos The Academic beacon of Nigeria, we shall use Langbasa and Cultural Quiz for Lagos State pupils and Students as our case Studies. Let us start by using Lagos State University, Ojo Research policy to strengthen our research work on Iba/Ijuba. Professor Olanrewaju Adigun Fagbohun in his 2019 foreword to University of Lagos Ojo Research Policypamphlet defined research in this term: “Research is Central and key to attaining the goals leading Universities all over the world. Such world class Universities are at the forefront of developing and advancing new knowledge in all areas of human endeavor. Research is also of paramount importance in TEACHING, LEARNING and delivery of community service. World class universities not only pay attention to the research efforts of its academic staff but in addition, develop and implement policies to guide and regulate research activities.” One then may ask what is the scope of the Lagos State University research Policy. Let us quote 2019 LASU Vice-Chancellor again for effect: “The Scope of the Research Policy is broad, encompassing principles of research, ethics, funding, INTELLECTUAL PROPERTY, (with copyright as a core element), capacity building and commercialization of research findings. We are committed to supporting the highest Level of research and research ethics (which I interpret to mean frowning at plagiarism), ---- We want to impact our society through research and through thispolicy we hope that the quality of research will improve, that the research skills of our staff will be better and that our universitywill sustain and improve its ranking (not only in Legal Studies) within the global University Community. LASU research Policy is to warn budding Scholars of the ills of plagiarism. They are to pay homage to Senior Scholars from whose fountain of academic wealth they are drinking. Just as junior Lawyers drop wig to a SAN in court as a sign of owing fealty to their Senior and elders and a captain in the Army pay homage to their general. On pages iv and v of the policy such topics as academic authorship, Intellectual Property as well as copyright were thoroughly defined. Thus, authorship implies responsibility and accountability for published work”. The manual also stated: While the University imposes no formal mechanisms for determining authority, it is the responsibilities of researchers to ensure that contributors who have made substantive intellectual contribution to a publication are given credit as authors. Substantive contributors or other collaborators must be acknowledged in the publication. This to be interpreted to me they must be acknowledged or homage must be paid to them as a Civilized Yoruba Minstrel Iba and Ijuba which is the kernel of this paper. Lagos State University Research Policy further defined Intellectual Property and ownership of any creation or invention developed during an internship or research Project performed as part of a relationship with an outside entity should reflect the relative role and contributions of the student, the outside entity and Lagos State University to the creation of the work or the development of the invention. On page 26 of the LASU Research Policy Copyright is defined as the ownership and control of the Intellectual property in original works of authorship which are subject to copyright protection. The Policy made an inventory of works that are eligible for copyright protection. VIZ: as Literary works, musical works, artistic works, cinematograph works, sound recording and broadcast: All these works shall be the object of our investigation in this paper.
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    Open Access
    Acquisition de la compétence langagière à travers la lecture : Stratégies pour les apprenants du Français Langue Etrangère
    (ABUDOF Journal of Humanities, Department of French, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria. Nigeria., 2009) Balogun, L.I.
    La lecture, un des éléments d’acquisition de langue, est aujourd’hui incontournable dans l’enseignement et apprentissage d’une langue étrangère. Elle constitue le pivot à travers lequel se développe toute autre compétence de l’acquisition d’une langue : (l’oral, l’écrit, la correction phonétique, l’intonation, la prononciation etc..). Dans ce travail, nous essayerons de parcourir les stratégies de lecture qui peuvent aider l’apprenant nigérian du FLE à franchir les problèmes d’acquisition de cette langue à travers la lecture. Nous examinerons également les consignes générales et le rôle de l’enseignant en tant que médiateur dans l’apprentissage de la lecture.
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    Open Access
    Entre tradition et modernité : regard sur l’image de la femme dans la société africaine post-indépendance
    (ReSciLac, Revue des Sciences du Langage et de la Communication, 2018) Balogun, L.I.
    Pendant des siècles, la femme africaine n’a pas pu se définir quant à son statut dans la société où elle vit. Elle a également souffert pendant longtemps du piétinement et de la mutilation de son image à travers la culture traditionnelle africaine. La rencontre avec la culture occidentale empreinte d’une idéologie féminine différente a engendré une nouvelle conception de l’image de la femme africaine contemporaine. La femme africaine s’est ainsi appropriée de l’éducation occidentale pour mettre à nu l’image caricaturale qui lui était attribuée dans la société traditionnelle africaine. Il ressort de notre analyse que l’éducation occidentale et l’idéologie féministe ont été les points culminants ayant contribué à l’émancipation de la femme africaine et au statut qui prône son égalité à l’homme dans la société contemporaine