On artherogenic index of plasma in sickle cell anaemia patients
Akinbami, A.A
Uche, E.I
Suleiman, A.M
Ogbenna, A.A
Olowoselu, F.O
Augustine, B
Badiru, M.A
Bamiro, R.A
Kamson, O.R
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PanAfrican medical journal
Introduction: Sickle cell anaemia (SCA) is an inherited abnormality of haemoglobin associated with reduced life expectancy. Patients'
complications include dyslipideamia. This study was aimed at determining the artherogenic index of plasma (AIP) in sickle cell anaemia patients
and compares the value to HbAA controls value. A high AIP is strongly predictive of elevated cardiovascular risk. Methods: A comparative study
was conducted among SCA patients attending the haematology clinic, Lagos State University Teaching Hospital (LASUTH) and HbAA Phenotype
controls. A total of 304 participants were recruited consisting of equal numbers of SCA and HbAA controls. Single lipid profiles were done;
logarithms of triglycerides/high density lipoprotein were calculated to obtain AIP and lipid profile ratios established for all participants.
Results: There were lower mean values of Total Cholesterol (TC), High Density Lipoprotein(HDL) and Low Density Lipoprotein (LDL) amongst SCD
participants than controls and higher mean values of triglycerides (TG) and Very Low Density Lipoprotein (VLDL) in SCD p < 0.05. The AIP in SCD
ranges from -0.62 to 1.32 while that of controls ranges from -0.56 to 0.61.The mean AIP were 0.14 ± 0.29 and -0.009 ± 0.26 in SCD and controls
respectively. P value = 0.002. Conclusion: AIP value is higher in sickle cell anaemia than controls, the former have lower mean values of TC, HDL
and LDL and higher mean values of TG and VLDL.
Scholarly article
Artherogernic index of plasma , Lipid profile , Sickle cell disease , Research Subject Categories::MEDICINE
Akinbami, A.A., Uche, E.I., Suleiman, A.M., Ogbenna, A.A., Olowoselu, F.O., Augustine, B., Badiru, M.A., Bamiro, R.A. and Kamson, O.R. (2019). On artherogenic index of plasma in sickle cell anaemia patients. PanAfrican medical journal, 32.