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- ItemOpen AccessManagement of Labour Only Contracts in the Nigerian Construction Industry: Basis of Award and Execution(2003) Adenuga, O. A.Globalisation, the down town in the economy, with the resultant lean economic resources in Nigeria have led many clients, to adopt the labour-only contracting system as a means of saving cost. This is not only for piecework’s such as alteration and refurbishment, but for the construction of new projects. The paper focused on the management of labour-only contracting system by examining its method of planning, organization, control, coordination and implementation. The scheduling of the resources were also examined. Performances were monitored in the area of cost, time and quality. Opinions of the parties involved consisting of clients, contractors and consultants were sampled. Selective sampling procedures were adopted for the targeted population. The data collected were analysed using descriptive statistics. From the analysis, the paper concluded that the system is becoming an increasingly prominent feature of the construction labour market. The success largely depends on the cooperation between the parties involved. The paper also revealed that the system is innovative and cost effective, but it could be confrontational, complex and uninspiring. When there is a breach of contract, this could result into delay and cost over-run.
- ItemOpen AccessQuality, Time and Cost Performance of Labour Only Contract in Some Selected Cities in Nigeria(2006) Adenuga, O. A.; Akinsola, E. O.; Soyingbe, A. A.Labour only contract is one of the methods of project procurement. In this method, the client provides all the building materials while the contractor, who is responsible for the work is charged with the provision of the labour force (skilled and unskilled). This study focuses on the performance of this method of project procurement in terms of the time taken to deliver a project, the quality of the project and its cost. The review of literature on this study revealed that the system has grown in popularity over the years because it affords the client the opportunity of buying the building materials himself and so, ensuring that quality materials are bought. Usually most of the projects involved are small and medium in scale. It ensures close monitoring of the project by the clients. The study however discovered that time is not saved nor cost drastically reduced as perceived by the client unless certain checks and provisions are put in place. The study suggests that professional knowledge of materials and construction should be at the disposal of the client for him to reap the full benefit of this method. The result of the three hypotheses propounded for the study shows that: a) There is no time saved in project delivery by the method. b) There is no cost reduction. c) There is a negative correlation between the level of satisfaction with the quality of the project by client and the satisfaction level of the contractor.
- ItemOpen AccessAn Evaluation of Housing Conditions and Livability in Festac Town Housing Estate (Phase 1)(2006) Ibiyemi, A. O.; Adenuga, O. A.Festac Town Housing Estate (Phase 1) was conceived and executed in the 70’s as a masterpiece in term of providing mass housing, livable environment and complimentary infrastructure facilities. This study uses the purposive and stratified sampling and the instruments of interview, and questionnaire schedule to a sample population of 210 Festac residents to investigate the livability in the Estate with particular reference to condition of buildings and international building amenities are generally good, while infrastructure facilities are in satisfactory condition. Rents for vacant accommodation, water / tenement rates, and public transportation are quite high but largely affordable. However, 52% of the sample residents are willing to trade off security and access to work place, by relocating elsewhere but are constrained by the initial costs of securing alternative accommodation. The work concludes that, in spite of the harsh economic climate, the Estate is able to meet the needs and aspirations of its residents
- ItemOpen AccessAppraisal of the Factors Affecting Effective Implementation of the National Housing Policy(2007) Akinsola, O. E.; Adenuga, O. A.; Iyagba, R. O. A.The study started by stating the importance of housing by narrating the historical background; the attendant cost of housing delivery, and appraised the factors affecting effective implementation of the National Housing Programme of 1991. The causative factors of inadequate housing provision such as imbalance in housing distribution, high cost of building materials and land use system were examined. The method adopted was based on probabilistic sampling analysis of data, and tested hypotheses. The findings revealed the unpreparedness of government in the execution of the programme. The various problems and constraints of the contractors who handled the projects were highlighted by the survey as fund, unsuitable contractual arrangement, materials diversion etc. The research recommended setting up of monitoring and evaluation committee for similar future undertakings, the substitution of local raw materials to reduce cost, elimination of bureaucracy in governance to reduce delay and payment of mobilization fee on production of certified performance bond.
- ItemOpen AccessAssessment of Factors Affecting Maintenance Management of Public Hospital Buildings in Lagos State, Nigeria(RICS, Georgia tech publishers, 2007) Adenuga, O. A.; Odusami, K. T.; Faremi, J. O.The study focused on factors affecting maintenance management of public hospital buildings in Lagos state. It also assessed the operational state of public hospital buildings within the study area. In achieving these objectives, opinions of maintenance officers and users of selected public hospital buildings were sampled through structured questionnaires. The data collected were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics. The analysis revealed the operational state of public hospital buildings in Lagos State as been average, and there is no significant difference in the perception of the maintenance staff and the users as to the operational state. Maintenance officers and users of the buildings both ranked insufficiency of fund for maintenance programme as second most significant factor among other factors responsible for poor maintenance management of our public hospital buildings. Other factors found to be highly significant by the maintenance officers are; attitude of users and misuse of facilities, lack of discernible maintenance culture, inadequate training and reluctance of some establishment to support innovations. The users on their own perspective, ranked the inflation of cost of maintenance by the operatives, use of poor quality components and materials by the maintenance department and without long-term arrangements for the supply of essential parts for replacement as the most significant factor affecting maintenance management respectively. The study recommended proactive measures to reduce the occurrence of defects in the buildings elements and services. Governments are to provide adequate funding for the running of public hospitals and it should be a government policy that every hospital either public or private must have maintenance policy guiding the implementation of their maintenance programme. Building elements should be regularly inspected to ensure their functionality.
- ItemOpen AccessAppraisal of Maintenance Management Strategies Used in Public Hospital Buildings in Lagos State, Nigeria(2007) Adenuga, O. A.; Iyagba, R. O.; Odusami, K. T.; Ogunsanmi, O. E.This study focuses on the evaluation of maintenance management strategies used in public hospital buildings in Lagos state. It also assesses the labour composition of maintenance operations. In achieving these objectives, opinions of maintenance officers of ten (10) hospitals in different local government areas of the state were sampled through well-structured questionnaires. The data collected were analysed using descriptive and inferential statistics. From the analysis, the study reveals that majority of public hospitals do not have specific budget for maintenance programmes, maintenance policies, maintenance log book and maintenance manual to guide the operatives. About 98% of the sample does not understand the type of maintenance strategy used for their maintenance operations. 78% of the maintenance work are only executed when there is a breakdown or in response to users’ request. For labour composition, the cleaning of the interior and exterior of the building, inspection of building elements are mainly carried out by in-house staff, while the repair and replacement of equipment is by outsourcing. The study also reveals that executing maintenance programmes using outsourcing gives latest innovations in technologies to work done and better access to special skills than in-source. In-source method, gives reduction in cost of operation, higher security, more flexibility in staffing, better adjustment to workload fluctuation and reduction in equipment downtime than out-source. Both methods claim to produce special expertise in labour, better control of services and higher quality of work. The study recommends proactive measures such as providing necessary training and support for maintenance staff and users of these facilities and the provision of sufficient funds for maintenance programmes.
- ItemOpen AccessExploring Application of Programme Budgeting Management Technique in Construction Companies.(2007) Oladiran, O. J.; Adenuga, O. A.A survey was conducted on a sample of seven construction companies in Lagos State to investigate the extent of usage of a management technique: Programme Budgeting. It is a type of management technique that can be used to solve planning problems related to projects’ budget and expenditure. The study reveals that project planning problem exist averagely in construction companies; the usage of technique is very low; four reasons were adduced to its non-usage and; as many as six ‘alternative techniques’ that are used in-lieu of it are observed. The study therefore recommends its usage to combat planning problems.
- ItemOpen AccessA Study of Facilities for Physically Disabled People in Public Buildings in Nigeria(2007) Soyingbe, A.; Ogundairo, A. M.; Adenuga, O. A.Human beings are physically disabled some time in their lives. Those who remain healthy and without disability all their lives are few. Thus, public buildings should be accessible and barrier-free to both able and disabled people. Disabled people find it difficult to gain access into and operate freely without assistance in many public buildings in Nigeria. The study took inventory of facilities available for disabled people in public buildings. The inventory covered the identification and ascertaining the functional state of the facilities. A total of 257 public buildings were studied. The results show that major facilities required by disabled people are lacking in many public buildings. Some of the facilities identified in few public buildings are in poor state of operation. However, absence of these key facilities restricts the activities of people with physical disability. Hence, they cannot work and become productive as tax-paying members of the nation. Due to shortfall or perhaps total neglect in provision of these facilities, their movement, competence and talents are being restricted. These equally constitute a barrier in the development of their abilities. The society at large is deprived of the abilities and talents in people with disabilities.
- ItemOpen AccessProject success under the direct labour procurement system.(Department of Building, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria, 2007) Oladiran O.J.; Olabode E.O.; Onukwube H.N.
- ItemOpen AccessCONTROL MEASURES OF ACCIDENTS: NIGERIAN BUILDING PROJECTS’ CASE.(Proceedings of CIB-2008-Transformation through Construction, Dubai., 2008) Oladiran O.J.; Ogunsanmi O.E.; Soyngbe A.A.This study explores the various safety and control measures (SCM) of accidents in building projects to minimize accidents’ occurrence and consequent waste generation. A research methodology, consisting of a literature review and a field study were used to achieve the research objectives. The field survey involves a designed questionnaire that was administered through convenience sampling technique within Lagos State and descriptive analysis tools were used for the analysis. The field survey reveals different control measures in place and their rate of usage on building projects. On the other hand, the literature survey sheds light on the types of accidents on building projects and their respective control measures with methodologies for accidents’ preventions. Reccomendations based on the findings of the two surveys are outlined in the paper.
- ItemOpen AccessMaterials wastage: causes and their contributions’ level.(Proceedings of CIB-2008-Transformation through Construction, Dubai., 2008) Oladiran O.J.This study investigates the existence of certain predetermined causes of materials wastage and their degree of contributions to materials waste generation (MWG) in building projects. The population of the study consists of construction professionals in building projects in Lagos state, Nigeria. The survey involves the usage of a designed questionnaire to elicit information from the targeted population via convenience sampling method. The data were analysed using frequency, mean score and t-test. The research confirms the existence of all the predetermined causes of materials wastage in Nigerian building projects. It also reveals that these causes contribute significantly to MWG but at different level on Nigerian building projects. Poor supervision contributes most to materials waste generation while bulk purchases is least among all the causes. The study therefore recommends that practitioners should be cognizant of these causes of materials waste and introduces measures to curb them to minimize MWG.
- ItemOpen AccessSustainable values in construction projects through waste management plan: Private and Public organizations’ perspectives.(Hong Kong Institute of Value Management, 2008) Oladiran O.J.Sustainable values can be generated and enhanced in construction projects by minimizing waste generation. Previous works have shown that waste management plan (WMP) can minimize waste, thereby generating and enhancing development sustainably. This study aims at finding out the possibility of enhancing sustainable values in Nigerian construction projects through the usage of WMP from public and private organizations’ perspectives. The population of the study is construction professionals in construction companies in Lagos State, Nigeria. It involves the usage of a designed questionnaire to gather information for the study. Descriptive and inferential statistical tools were used for the analysis. The study reveals that WMP has high impact on waste reduction and hence can generate or enhance sustainable values in construction projects. A recipe of important factors for the achievement of these values by WMP is shown in the study; and there is no significant difference between private and public organizations on their opinions about the importance of these factors. The study also sheds light on the content-composition of WMP to generate these values. However, it reveals that “special handling disposal of hazardous waste” is the most important in formulating WMP for public projects and least for private projects. Finally, recommendations for implementation of WMP and its contents for both private and public projects to enhance sustainable values are outlined in the paper.
- ItemOpen AccessOPTIMIZATION OF WASTE MANAGEMENT PLAN FOR WASTE REDUCTION ON CONSTRUCTION PROJECTS IN NIGERIA(Proceedings: International conference on innovation in Architecture, Engineering and construction, Antalya, Turkey., 2008) Oladiran O.J.Several millions of tonnes of waste are generated in the construction industry annually. This rate is alarming because it is in multiples of household waste production. Construction industry gives less concern to waste reduction due to the complex nature of reuse and recycling which is a top priority in curbing waste generation. Effective implementation of waste management plan (WMP) is a major means of reducing waste on construction projects. A waste management plan represent waste issues on the map and identification of existing waste problems is of top priority; it then pinpoint the volume of waste for reduction, salvage, reuse or recycling. This study focuses on the use of waste management plan at construction sites in Nigeria. A survey was conducted on a sample of construction companies in Nigeria using convenience-sampling technique. In the paper, the most important factors that underlie effective implementation of WMP is staff training and it reveals ten items that should form the content of a good WMP. The paper suggests that practitioners should be cognizant of the factors discover in this research for implementing WMP and to ensure that WMP consist all the contents identified in the study to reduce waste on construction projects.
- ItemOpen AccessLean-in-Nigerian construction: state, barriers, strategies and “go-to-gemba” approach.(IGLC-16, 2008) Oladiran O.J.Lean-in-Construction, which is alien to Nigerian construction process, offers valuable techniques to manage construction at improved workflows and minimal waste generation. This paper therefore examines the exportation of lean to the Nigerian construction process by exploring the practitioners’ extent of knowledge and scope of application of lean techniques. However, the survey research involving ten companies via quota sampling technique and personal interviews is based on Toyota production principles only i.e. lean production. The paper reveals key strategies for absorption of lean with approaches to build and improve on JIT and concurrent design and construction in Nigeria. It therefore recommends these suggested-strategies for the entrenchment of lean in Nigerian construction process to combat waste generations and enhance workflows.
- ItemOpen AccessESSENTIAL SKILLS FOR MAINTENANCE MANAGERS IN PUBLIC HOSPITAL BUILT ENVIRONMENT: NIGERIA CASE STUDY.(Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, 2008) Adenuga O.A.; Odusami K.T.; Oladiran O.J.; Farinloye O.O.The research investigated the maintenance management practice in public hospital buildings in South-west, Nigeria, and in the process, identified the essential skills for maintenance managers in a hospital built environment and users satisfaction with the maintenance work. A total of 552 questionnaires comprising 206 for maintenance staff and 346 for users of public hospital building were collected and used for study. The survey covered 46 public hospitals representing 40% of the total number of existing public hospitals in South-west, Nigeria. The study comprises all the 11 federal owned hospitals and 35-selected state owned in South-west, Nigeria based on stratified random sampling technique. Data collected were analysed using mean item score, and spear-rank correlation coefficient. Findings of the study revealed that in public hospitals in South- west, Nigeria, the staff strength of the maintenance departments is inadequate and the maintenance staffs are inexperience on hospital maintenance management. Majority of the users of public hospital buildings do not have access to any formal training on effective use of hospital facilities. The most important skills considered necessary for an effective maintenance manager in executing maintenance operations in public hospitals according to the study are professional experience, intelligence, good communication, good qualification and human relation skill. Based on the above findings, the study recommends that management should ensure that the head of maintenance department has the required maintenance managers’ attitude success factors before appointing them rather than being political in their selection. Management should ensure that both the management and all the staffs are given adequate training for effective use of the building and the services.
- ItemOpen AccessTHE PRACTICE OF WASTE MANAGEMENT IN CONSTRUCTION SITES IN LAGOS STATE, NIGERIA(Royal Institute of Chartered Surveyors, 2008) Ajayi O.M.; Koleoso, H. A.; Soyngbe A.A.; Oladiran O.J.Increasing waste generation on construction sites has become a topic of environmental concern in the metropolis. Most construction and demolition waste are not recycled but end up in landfills or dumps which occupy valuable land. Landfills are costly and dumps particularly are unsightly and are sources of environmental hazards; hence a study on waste management practice with a view to minimizing waste generation and encouraging recycling becomes important. The study used questionnaires, 40 of which were fully filled and returned. The data obtained were analyzed using average index. The study indicates that, demolition, renovation and material handling were mostly implicated in waste generation, and that dumping and landfills are some of the current methods being adopted in the disposal of construction waste within the state, industry best practice methods like recycling and re-use are less frequently used just as open-air burning, and incineration are least often adopted. In conclusion, the study recommends that site supervisors be educated on how waste due to materials handling should be minimized, also that manufacturers of materials should have a basic standard for sizes of materials to prevent cutting wastage. It also suggests that sanctions be introduced to discourage poor waste disposal practices and encourage recycling
- ItemOpen AccessAn Assessment of the State of Maintenance of Public Hospital Buildings in Southwest Nigeria(2009) Adenuga, O. A.; Ibiyemi, A.This study examines the state of maintenance of public hospital buildings in Southwest Nigeria, and in the process identifies the significant difference(s) in the operational state of Federal and State-owned public hospitals within the study area. In achieving the aim, the study adopts a survey technique with a total of 552 questionnaires, comprising 206 sampled maintenance staff and 346 users of public hospitals. The survey covers 46 public hospitals representing 40% of the total number of public hospitals existing in Southwest Nigeria. The 46 public hospitals consist of all the 11 Federal-owned hospitals and 35 randomly selected State-owned. Data collected are analysed using the Kendall Coefficient of Concordance and Pearson Chisquare. The findings of the study reveal that the state of maintenance of public hospital buildings is good. While the structure/fabric and physical conditions are rated highly, the services are poorly rated. This study, which hypothesises that there is no difference in the state of maintenance, finds statistical difference in the performance of the services. It recommends that Federal and State governments address neglect in the services sector and plan their maintenance programmes more effectively.
- ItemOpen AccessComparative Analysis of Design & Build and Traditional Procurement Methods in Lagos, Nigeria(2009) Ibiyemi, A. O.; Adenuga, O. A.; Odusami, K. T.Design-Build (D&B) is a method of obtaining construction services where a single organisation is retained to provide architecture/ engineering and construction services under one contract. This contrasts with the more Traditional Procurement Approach (TPA) where an architect or engineer prepares drawings and specifications and the owner separately engages a contractor through a competitive bidding or negotiated process. Research shows that there has been a continuous increase in the use of D&B over the past 15 years. A random sample of 40 respondents with an average of 20 years experience in the construction industry in Lagos, Nigeria, drawn from Managing Directors, Construction Managers, Chief Engineers, and Contractors in six different types of construction projects was taken. The survey results indicate that D&B was rated to perform better where time, cost, quality, comprehensiveness, suitability to different types of construction projects, and acceptability were of the essence and the project was highly complex. D&B is recommended subject to a more stringent contractor-selection process in order to assess reliability, sincerity, honesty and understanding of the needs of the owner.
- ItemOpen AccessInnovative waste management through waste management plans on construction projects in Nigeria(Taylor & Francis, 2009) Oladiran O.J.
- ItemOpen AccessCauses And Minimization Techniques Of Materials Waste In Nigerian Construction Process.(Fifth International Conference on Construction in the 21st Century (CITC-V), Turkey, 2009) Oladiran O.J.A major characteristic of average construction sites in Nigeria is the presence waste materials in various forms and large quantities. This culminates to inter alia, high construction costs and great hindrance to affordability of good houses to the citizens. In this regard, a survey research was embarked on; it focuses on identifying the causes of materials waste incidence and their various minimization techniques in Nigerian construction process. The population of the study is the construction professionals in selected firms in Nigeria. It involves the usage of a designed questionnaire administered via convenience sampling technique. Certain predetermined causes coined from literatures are included in the questionnaire while open-ended questions are employed to elicit the actual materials waste minimization techniques in the firms. Descriptive statistics tools are used to analyze the data. The study reveals causes of materials waste as: uneconomical shape of materials and components due to design; building failure/defects; workers’ mistakes; theft; vandalism; inconclusive specifications; estimators’ errors; ineffective communication; unfamiliarity with alternative products; design changes; lack of proper supervision; loading and unloading of materials; various forms of materials’ packaging; substandard materials; poor site layout; misinterpretation of drawings; poor site conditions; setting out errors; and improper transportation of materials. It also sheds light on the materials waste minimization techniques as: materials inspections on arrival on sites; documentations of materials in and outflows; adherence to design details; effective communications; good transportation systems for materials; good storage facilities; training of storekeepers/site personnel; reuse of materials; daily stock taking; usage of materials requisition booklets; ensuring sub-soil investigations before projects commence; and regular site meetings. Conclusions are made based on these findings in the study. However, the study recommends that practitioners should employ all the techniques discovered in the study to minimize materials waste in their projects. This study will therefore contribute to materials waste minimization both in Nigerian and global construction processes.